Consumer Corner
Solutions to help pay current collection items:
We understand that most individuals intend to pay their credit obligations, but for a variety of reasons, they have been unable to do so. Many times, when an unanticipated expense or situation occurs, individuals do not know where to turn. Ignoring the problem and hoping that it will go away is not the answer. Our section on “Dealing with Debt” provides some basic suggestions that may help you.
Solutions to various credit reporting problems:
The credit reporting industry can be daunting. We work closely with numerous credit grantors to make resolving problems a little easier. All credit reports that are prepared by Credit Bureau Services, can also be serviced by us. If you find a problem on your credit report, visit with the credit grantor to see if it was prepared/provided by CBS.
Solutions to make paying easier.
We now accept payments online. Our online payment solutions allows you to set-up payment arrangement, make a scheduled payment, or pay your account in full. This convenience is available 24/7 and can be done safely and securely from your home. All payment arrangements and settlement offers are subject to approval. If your offer or arrangement is rejected, an account manager will contact you to discuss other options.
Credit educational information:
We understand that credit education can't solve problems like a lost job. But we believe that credit education can help minimize the affect of those types of situations. Each of our locations have free informational brochures. These brochures address everything from “How to Budget” to “Credit Terminology.” We work hard to provide you with relevant and current information to assist you in a number of areas.