Agricultural industry is vital for our Midwest economy. Forecasts can predict the market but there are so many factors to profitability. To assure your competitive advantage your credit terms can often make the difference both in the sale and recovery of monies. The goal is balance, growth and profitability.
CBS understands the value of customer retention. We’ll treat your customers with respect in all our interactions. You'll enjoy outstanding recovery percentages and increased cash flow without ruining your customer relationships—we want to solve their debt problems so they will continue to do business with you in the future.
We understand agribusiness.
Indebtedness is a huge factor impacting farm sustainability. Our mission is to assist our clients with their delinquencies. The ability to efficiently and effectively recover funds for our clients is our primary focus. It is our hope that this recovery of debt will not only benefit our client but the farmer as well, enabling them to reduce their debt and help them efficiently manage their resources.
CBS can assist you with:
Developing solid credit procedures to better manage credit
Minimizing expenses associated with slow-pays or delinquent accounts
Increased profitability
Improved Customer Service
Improved Cash Flow
No-Cost check recovery program
Click here to get more information on CBS' Solutions for Agribusiness and how to become a Credit Bureau Services customer!
Credit Check-up
We all know that an account properly opened is 50% collected. Our Credit Check-up along with our credit reporting services offers:
Analysis of your policies, forms and messaging
Our goal is to develop, refine and improve them to effect cash flow
Establish Best Practices for you and your company, insuring customer satisfaction
Then, when needed, we offer credit reporting
Single Bureau Credit Reports (TransUnion, Equifax)
Dual-Merged Reports (for Extra Protection)
Credit Scoring Products
Account Recovery Solutions
Bad debt can be crippling. With today's heightened focus on managing expenses, you need to efficiently find debtors and collect from those most likely to pay. CBS' suite of products helps you prioritize collection activities, locate skips, improve recovery rates and reduce write-offs; they include:
Skip Tracing Services
Third-party Collections
Commercial Collections
Pre-Collect services
Check Solutions
From business checks to consumer checks, CBS' program works to minimize any losses in this area. Statistically, individual's in the higher income brackets tend to rely more on checks than on credit cards. Our CheckMate program includes:.
Bank Authorization for quick reporting/processing of dishonored check
ACCESS Electronic Check Verification
Consolidated Check Return to control bank fees
Check Recovery is provided at NO COST to our members
Electronic Check Clearing Services via ACH
Second Placement Processing
Pre-Employment Screening
It is critical for a business to protect themselves. Hiring qualified honest employees is important to that success. Our program explains all legal requirements to make certain that your company complies with various laws. It is a highly effective way of combating employee fraud and theft.
Click here to get more information on CBS' Solutions and how to become a Credit Bureau Services customer! You should receive a response from a sales representative by the next business day.