Personal Property Taxes
As revenues drop, counties are being squeezed. Lack of funds to make their budget, as costs rise is a challenge facing every department. Add to this, the lack of manpower, in Sheriffs Department, to handle distress warrants and you have a system being strained to it's limit. Our program is designed to be a viable alternative to striking personal property taxes.
With CBS' program, on average, most counties experience a 20% recovery within the first 30 days, commission free. Our program is designed to comply with all Nebraska State Statutes. We've also seen, by utilizing CBS' program, counties experience year over year a lower number of delinquencies.
CBS can assist you with:
- Relieve demands on Sheriffs by reducing the number of distress warrants
- Reduction of taxes stricken from the rolls
- Improved communication between taxpayers and elected official
- Reporting accounts to the credit file
- Assurance that all taxpayers are treated fairly and equally
Click here to get more information on CBS' Solutions for Personal Property Taxes.
Account Recovery Solutions
With today's heightened focus on county budgets, the need to efficiently recover on personal property taxes is more crucial then ever. Most times these accounts remained on the county tax rolls and continues to build year over year. CBS has developed a program that works with you and your local sheriffs office to collect more efficiently. Inj addition, you will see results, almost instantaneously, on many of those accounts that have gone uncollected for years.
Not only will you get past taxes collected quickly, the number of accounts that go unpaid in the future will begin to decrease. With this program taxpayers quickly realize that you will be taking new steps to colllect.
CBS' suite of products helps you prioritize your collection activities, locate skips, improve recovery rates and reduce tax strike offs; they include:
Skip Tracing Services
Pre-Collection Services
Full Collections
Commercial Collections
We have many success stories on this program; our staff would love to share them with you.
Click here to e-mail a representative and hear how neigboring counties have integrated CBS into their process.