Emergency Services
Our programs are designed to:
- Help develop collection procedures that are effective.
- Minimize costs by quickly identifying slow-pays from no-pays.
- Lower operational expenses and accelerate cash flow .
Click here to get more information on CBS' Solutions for Emergency Medical Services.
Account Recovery Solutions for EMS
With today's heightened focus on managing expenses, you need to efficiently find individuals and collect from those most likely to pay. CBS is in the unique position of being able to locate individuals that are not easily located via standard skiptracing tools. Our depth of services helps to assure timely and effective recovery of your monies. CBS' suite of products helps you prioritize your collection activities, locate skips, improve recovery rates and reduce write-offs; they include:
- Skip Tracing Services
- Full Collections
- Pre-Collect services
- Litigation
Pre-Employment Screening Solutions
In todays litigious society, it is increasingly important for employers to take all reasonable steps to check employee integrity. Our pre-employment screening is a highly effective way of combating potential employee fraud.
Click here to get more information on CBS' Solutions for EMS and how to become a CBS customer! You should receive a response from a sales representative by the next business day.