Building Contractors, Sub-Contractors, Construction
Most often your work is completed without ever meeting the individual who benefits from your services. Whether planned or an emergency repair, collection of key information at the time of order can make the difference when things go sideways. In today's competitive market the extension of credit is hardly an option – its required! While easy credit terms may attract more business, they don't always attract the right kind of business. Little things, like getting a signature at time of service, or confirming the name of who actually requested the service, or finding if they rent or own the property, can make a difference down the road.
We work closely with those in the construction business. From mechanics liens to establishing policies & procedures, which assure you the highest cash flow and best chance of recovering your monies. In both business to business transactions, as well as, business to consumers -- a primary factor is “who benefited” from your services.
CBS can assist you with:
Developing solid procedures to better manage accounts
Minimizing expenses associated with slow-pays or delinquent accounts
Increased profitability
Improved Cash Flow
No-Cost check recovery program
No Account Too Big. No Account Too Small.
Because Big Or Small, We Do It All.
Click here to get more information on CBS' Solutions for Contractors and how to become a Credit Bureau Services customer!
Credit Check-up
We all know that an account properly documented and recorded is 50% collected. Our Credit Check-up along with our credit reporting services offers:
Analysis of your policies, forms and messaging
Our goal is to develop, refine and improve them to effect cash flow
Establish Best Practices for you and your company, insuring customer satisfaction
Then, when needed, we offer credit reporting
Single Bureau Credit Reports (TransUnion, Equifax)
Dual-Merged Reports (for Extra Protection)
Credit Scoring Products
Account Recovery Solutions
Bad debt can be crippling. With today's heightened focus on managing expenses, you need to efficiently find and identify the responsible parties, then collect from those most likely to pay. CBS' suite of products helps you prioritize collection activities, improve recovery rates and reduce losses; they include:
Skip Tracing Services
Locating Assets
Third-party Collections
Commercial Collections
Pre-Collect Services
- Small Claims Judgments
Check Solutions
From business checks to consumer checks, CBS' program works to minimize any losses in this area. Statistically, individual's in the higher income brackets tend to rely more on checks than on credit cards. Our CheckMate program includes:.
Bank Authorization for quick reporting/processing of dishonored check
ACCESS Electronic Check Verification
Consolidated Check Return to control bank fees
Check Recovery is provided at NO COST to our members
Second Placement Processing
Click here to get more information on CBS' Solutions and how to become a Credit Bureau Services customer!