Our Professional Credit Management (PCM) program provides a cost-effective means to improve cash flow and prompts slow paying accounts, while maintaining good customer relations. Our program provides your customer with a "grace period" in which to pay his account or make satisfactory arrangements. If no response is made to the pre-collect demands, the account is referred to regular collection immediately.

Our PCM program brings the following benefits:
- Broad-Based Participation... cooperative program used successfully by other local business and professional credit managers concerned with their decreasing cash flow and shrinking profits.
- Cost-Effective...accounts processed at NO COMMISSION COST. Listing slow pay accounts on the verge of charge-off reduces office expense and improves cash flow.
- Progressive Approach to Consumer Education...enclosed with our first notice is a consumer education insert regarding the importance of paying accounts.
- Maintains Positive Customer Relations...when the account is paid voluntarily, the customer will usually begin trading with you again.
- Third Party Influence...to encourage immediate communication, influences payment and minimizes the number of accounts charged-off and sent for regular collections.
- Proven Record...Over 100 years of continuous, reliable service in the credit and collection field.
- Accelerates collection of your receivables... and saves valuable clerical time.
- Provides 24/7 access to online management of the account or you may choose to work closely with our staff during working hours.
CBS' Professional Credit Management Program offers:
- A progressive program which quickly identifies accounts that have no intention of paying.
- Controls cost. A pre-collect program coupled with regular collections assures you the lowest costs in recovering your slow pay accounts.
- Customer pays you direct, so there is no waiting for your monies.
- An educational insert clearly directs your customer on what to do.
- Maintains customer loyalty by encouraging communication so that the account can be resolved amicably.
An Unpaid Past Due Account - May Never Be Paid
A delinquent dollar is worth less each day that it remains outstanding. Delay in resolving the delinquency is dangerous and costly. The chart below shows how quickly your monies begin to degrade with the passing of time.

When time is money, it's important to turn to an agency that understands the importance of each and every step in the recovery of your monies.
One that effectively recovers at the least amount of costs.