Employment Screening
Before hiring someone, be certain to have enough information to help you make the right decision.
If you have a voice in hiring, you'll need a factual and objective source of information.
Checking references and validating facts are no longer as conclusive as they once were. To hire with confidence, it is important that every serious candidate be screened.
Our Pre-Employment Report is designed in compliance with the Fair Credit Reporting Act to assist you in screening a candidate prior to hiring, promotion or re-assignment.
Our report is an inexpensive, easy to read and unbiased report that will help corroborate or refute whatever the applicant had told you about his or her personal background and employment record. Discrepancies can easily be noted, probed and discussed.
By tracing the person's credit history and obtaining supplimental public record information, plus other items people don't include in the applications, you can identify those applicants who are potentially overextended or on the brink of financial problems that could adversely affect their performance on the job. It could signal a pattern of transiency or instability, as well as an inability to meet obligations.
Protect Your Investment in People
A company's most valuable asset is its people. Staffing positions with people whose character is equal to the qualifications can keep a dynamic company moving forward. Our Pre-Employment Report can help you meet this challenge while reducing paperwork and hiring costs.
Features of our Pre-Employment Report
Helps you immediately verify applicant name, social security number, telephone number, current address and two previous addresses.
May list current employer and up to three previous employers, including company names, position held and date verified. This information allows you to verify the person's job history against his or her application.
Alerts you to discrepancies in information provided that might require further investigation.
Summary of complete credit file provides an immediate overview of applicant's financial status, including public record information and collection items.
Excessive employment inquiries may indicate the applicant is seeking employment elsewhere.
A resume tells you only what the applicant wants you to know...
Our report can help document what you need to know.
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